Sensory Sensitivity…
What happens for people with sensory sensitivities can be quite different from one individual to the next. Not everyone processes the world around them in the same way. It can be useful to be open to how others may experience things and how this influences their day-to-day lives.
Here is an interesting article that introduces the idea of Sensory sensitivity:
What Does It Mean to be Sensory Sensitive? - Sensory Friendly Solutions
This video provides a glimpse into sensory sensitivity and is geared for a younger audience:
This video starts to tie in some of the challenges that Adults may face with Sensory sensitivity issues:
Here are some more resources that you may find interesting to check out:
Some Facts about Sensory Processing Disorder:
Important Facts on Adult Sensory Processing Disorder - The OT Toolbox
A blog for Adults with Sensory sensitivities:
Coming To My Senses (
A facebook page devoted to Sensory Processing Disorder: